Secretariat for Investment
Trg Nikole Pašića 6, Switchboard: 3229-678
Luka Petrović, Secretary, 3216-309
Sonja Kućubić, Deputy Secretary, 3216-379
Visting hours: daily from 8.30-15.30h.
The Secretariat for Investmentperforms activities related to investment implementation funded from the following resources:
- budget of the City of Belgrade, revenue obtaed on account of debt issuance and donations, as well as activities pertaining to realisation of investment projects funded on account of financing contracts on loans and donations with international financial institutions, and on account of other income and revenues governed by regulations and the City Statute
- pertaining to the public procurement of the following: goods, services (elaboration of the urban and technical and solely technical documentation, performing control of technical documentation, performing professional surveillance; technical inspection; consulting and other servcies) and works (construction, additional construction, reconstruction, adaptation, repair and othe works on facilities where the City of Belgrade is the investor).
The Secretariat performs activities related to providing information on the construction site, construction permits, recording of works and usage permits, regarding the facilities in terms of which the Secretariat is conducting public procurement; monitoring realisation of agreed activities from the perspective of the scope, quality and dynamics; monitoring and recording financial liabilities within the scope of realising all investment programmes, as well as performing other required activities with regard to other required activities with regard to the realisation of public procurement being implemented.
The Secretariat performs activities related to professional surveillance of construction works for the purpose of ensuring fundamental living conditions in the cased on natural disasters ot technical and technological accidents with the consequences endangering lives or people’s helath or the environment, in accordance with the regulations governing the matter of protection against such disasters (urgent interventions), with respect to the facilliteswithin the competency of the City of Belgrade, as well as other activities, in accordance with the City of Belgrade Statute.